3 Ways to Find a Postpartum Therapist

Postpartum Therapist

Are you having trouble during pregnancy or after childbirth managing your emotions and dealing with everyday stressors? You could be a mom who is just struggling to manage all your responsibilities. If so, you are definitely not alone. One way to work through these is through therapy. Therapists are often hard to find and decide to even get therapy is a huge task. There are a few simple ways that you can look for a therapist that is useful. 

  1. Postpartum Support International

PSI is a national organization focused on postpartum support. They have a provider directory that you can use to assist in finding a therapist that can work with you. PSI also has weekly virtual support groups that may be beneficial for you. These groups have peers who are going through similar struggles.

2. Directories

With the significant increase in telehealth, you can use therapists in your state. Here are a few directories that are useful: Psychology Today, Clinicians of Color, Therapy for Black Girls. You can search these directories by area, specialties, and other demographic information that may be important like age, gender, etc.

3. Google Search

This may sound like a no-brainer but Google is super useful! You can search for therapists in your area with the specialty you are looking for. Useful keywords may include “perinatal mood and anxiety disorders”, “postpartum depression”, “postpartum anxiety”, etc.


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